Thursday, October 05, 2006

Living for the weekend

Do we work to live? or Live to work? I don't know, but we seem to always be wishing our lives away, waiting for Friday. Working just isn't as much fun as it used to be. I would much rather be playing with grandkids, cleaning out closets or painting at the lake. Too much stress in this "chasing a vocation"....

Weather's supposed to be good. We may try to actually put some "Latte" and "Solitude" on the walls. If I can get Marcus up to the lake and Dean's not looking, I may get that tree cut down that is in the way of my hammock! No kidding, it really has been nice up there on that hill....such a good breeze most of the time.

Angie, they are putting your air conditioner in the downstairs CAVE tomorrow, I think, and our attic fan got here today... getting close....


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