Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Well, you know, sometimes, life turns on a dime!

On Saturday, August 28, we were moving Kerri's stuff into storage until she found a new job and a new apartment, while living with Ryan and Angie. By Monday, August 30, all 3 of our kids were homeless (at least temporarily) and two were between jobs. Talk about a quick change!

By the next weekend - thanks to Katrina - our house roll had grown to Dean, Linda, Ryan, Angie, Delaney, Madelyn, Kerri, David, Jennifer, Marcus, Hannah, Jeff, Tricia, Olivia and Degan (born 4 days later)....along with Maverick, Wicket, Zeke, Rosie, and the cat that lived upstairs...I don't remember the name, but then I never saw him the whole ten days he was here....didn't even KNOW he was here the first four days. Add to that the visitors that came and went, shaking their heads I might add. I can tell you.... washing, bathing, cooking, and diapering went on non-stop. It was always loud, and someone was almost always screaming....either crying or laughing. I kept the folks at school entertained with tales of our goings-on.

All of that said, it was not forever, and really wasn't that bad....a 3-week cruise to Italy and Greece would have been better. Dean and I had the best of it, though, because we pulled the travel trailer down from the lake and could see everyone when we wanted and retreat to our own CAVE when we wanted....as long as the breaker didn't overload and shut off the AC. Dean, Marcus and I went on to work every day, life went on and no one was found murdered. We were really blessed that everyone and their house was safe or at least "repairable".

We did get to meet some nice Yankees...Paula, Ron, Kathy, and Tony..........Jeff and Tricia's parents. Hope to see them again someday.

Marcus, Jennifer and Hannah have moved upstairs, and things are calmer. Marcus likes his job and Jennifer starts her training on Monday. They are in Ft. Lauderdale for Marcus' first business trip.

It is wonderful getting to spend time with Hannah. I would have had even worse Delaney and Maddy withdrawals if Hannah was not around. I still can't wait to see them again soon....and now we are to be blessed with #4 granddaughter. Can't wait, they are all so different.

Dean and I are off to Memphis for the weekend....business/pleasure trip. School is always trying at the beginning, but even more so this year. Glad to get away. Ready for a Fall Motorcycle Trip when the weather cools off!