Sunday, October 07, 2007

Here we are ... still

OK, OK, OK ... I know I haven't posted since spring, but some computer geek decided that changing, updating, improving the blogger process was a good thing. He should realize once I learn how to do something...don't change it! I have just now finally figured all this those of you who wanted updates, who I haven't been able to communicate with, whose blogs I couldn't access to keep up with you....sorry...CRS is a debilitating and frustrating disease. Maybe we are on the road again.

We have been consumed for the last six months with Dean's foot. Finally the surgery was done on Sept 7 and we are on the "8-week Non-weight-bearing journey". Very frustrating and limiting! Would have been on a bike trip and to Cabo San Lucas and back by now if not for the foot...he really has a hard time with all this and trying to work effectively as well.
Thanks to the friends and family that have visited and helped him make this journey more bearable. He loves having folks around to help pass the time. Jennifer and Marcus have been incredibly generous with their weekends, bringing the girls to visit D-Daddy...thank you. We love you THIS MUCH!


Kerri, the pictures are for you. The rest of you...just scroll on by.

It has been a journey but we can see light at the end of the tunnel. The bones are straight and healing. We have an appointment later this month and will set the date to get the pin out that holds the joint stationary...then we will look at physical therapy to increase flexibility and mobility and weight bearing. Maybe about the time Kerri's baby comes, Dean will be able to start trying to walk again.

Other than that, I have been going to school and trying to be available to Dean and Jennifer when they needed something (I don't know what I would have done if I had not been on sabbatical), Diane and Bailey have moved to Monroe, Marcus has moved to Baton Rouge (we miss you), and we are still trying to sell the house....had a contract and the lady's financing fell through.

The grandkids are still beautiful (Taken in June ... last time we saw them all ... aren't they precious!),

the butterflies still love my lantana bush,

and we still have the best sunsets on the lake! Come sit, visit on the back porch, and have a glass of wine any day about 6:30 pm!

Sorry it's been so long between posts. Maybe we are on a roll now! Love you all!


Blogger Amanda said...

So glad to see an update!! I am glad that Uncle Dean's recovery is going well!! Miss y'all!!

8:26 PM


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