Sunday, March 04, 2007

New pictures, Kerri ... well, not real new

Yes, children, your father has lost his mind. I guess it's a good thing that we have moved a bunch of stuff to the he has time to bring the bike in when it gets cold, as well as the plants. The "baby" wouldn't start because it was too cold (we have Bill to thank for that info), so Dean brought it INSIDE to warm up. It did work though, no matter that the neighbors thought we had lost our mind!

Of course the view is my favorite. In this one the moon was still up as dawn was breaking.

The bar will have black granite formica as well, up to the level of the electrical plugs. Above that, on three sides, will be mirrors.

The entertainment center is in the corner and the TV will sit on top.

It really looks a lot different now that they have put up the cabinet doors. I didn't realize I didn't have a more recent picture of the kitchen. Check Jennifer's blog ; she took some too.

There are glass doors on the top cabinets in the buffet. The smaller cabinet to the left in the end of the island is where the ice machine goes. Formica is black granite and goes in on Friday, March 9.


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