Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Update on D-Daddy's

Hasn't changed a whole lot but they have finished the roof joists and are building the porches around the house to support that part of the roof....and I have only been gone five days.

I guess we have gotten to the slower part of building. They are working on the roof and taking it slow. I think Harry is a bit leery of the steep pitch. He has stopped to build the porches "to catch him if he slides of that SOB!"

View from the east side (Vascocu's) with my front door and windows. Same windows in the loft looking out the other side.

This is from the den. Double French doors (no lites) and windows on either side. Fixed glass at the top.

And then there's always my screened porch. I cannot wait for my morning coffee's here!


Blogger Marcus and Jennifer said...

I cannot wait to have July 4ths, memorial days,Mother's Days, and just family weekends with everyone. This is truly going to be a place for us all to come together and build some amazing memories. I cannot wait for Hannah and my future kids to grow up here, the way I did at Claiborne. Some of my funnest times were at the Lakehouse! I am so proud of the two of you and cannot wait to share in your excitement. I love seeing yall talk about it. Your faces light up, especially Dad's. He has wanted this for so long and has worked so hard. Way to go! We love yall and can't wait to take a trip to the lake.

8:00 AM


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